Use Sales Campaigns for All Website Conversions

Should we use Sales campaigns for all website conversions? It’s not crazy and there are benefits…

In order to make this decision, we need to answer two questions:

1. Is there a benefit to using a Leads campaign to optimize for leads or registrations compared to using a Sales campaign?

2. Is there a benefit to using a Sales campaign to optimize for leads or registrations compared to using a Leads campaign?

Let’s investigate…

Sales Campaigns and the Objective

Website conversions include value-based actions like purchases, but also registrations, leads, and more. This includes standard and custom events, as well as custom conversions.

We tend to use the Sales objective to optimize for purchases and the Leads objective for leads or registrations. But, this is mostly out of habit for organizational purposes. It makes sense to use a Leads objective to optimize for leads, for example.

Campaign Objective

But the objective itself doesn’t really matter. Your performance goal and conversion event determine how delivery is optimized.

Conversions Performance Goal

There should be no difference in how Meta AI approaches the delivery of your ads if you use the same performance goal and conversion event — the objective shouldn’t make a difference.

Sales Objective Benefits

You could just as easily use the Sales objective to optimize for leads or registrations. And honestly, you probably should.

Referring back to the questions at the top…

1. There is no inherent benefit of using a Leads campaign to optimize for the Leads conversion event. You could just as easily use the Sales objective.

2. There actually is a benefit to using a Sales campaign to optimize for the Leads conversion event that isn’t available when using the Leads objective.

One of the primary benefits of Sales campaigns is that you can leverage audience segments. Whether it’s an Advantage+ Shopping or manual campaign, this is available. For now, this is not available for any other type of campaign.

Audience Segments Sales Campaigns

Audience segments allow you to get much deeper visibility into who sees your ads. You can get a breakdown of spend and performance based on:

  • Engaged Audience
  • Existing Customers
  • New Audience
Audience Segments

You can’t do this (yet) with Traffic, Engagement, Leads, or Awareness objectives.

This is something I’m doing right now to better understand how Advantage+ Audience delivers for leads. The results are really interesting, and I’ll be sharing them soon.

Go ahead, test it out!
