Breakdowns in Ads Manager Not Working

Are these breakdowns working for you?

It seems that ever since Meta announced that Dynamic Creative was going away, the breakdowns by Dynamic Creative Element got buggy.

Breakdown by Dynamic Creative Element

What Is and Isn’t Working

The breakdowns by Text, Headline, and Description all work fine.

Breakdowns by Text

But, nothing happens when I select the breakdowns by Image, Video, and Slideshow. In this example, I’m using Flexible Ad Format and submitted 10 different images.

Breakdowns Not Working

The same thing happens for Call to Action and Website URL.

Even if there aren’t multiple options to display, the one option used should appear. Strangely, when using instant forms, the one Website URL does appear for that breakdown.

Breakdowns Not Working

But, nothing displays when external website URLs are used. This definitely isn’t normal.

Why Is This Happening?

The first assumption may be that this is because of Meta’s phaseout of Dynamic Creative. But it looks like that’s only a limited phaseout by objective (I covered this yesterday). So, Meta still needs to keep this breakdown.

Regardless, these breakdowns have worked in the past for ads when we didn’t use Dynamic Creative. My guess is that it’s related to the limited phaseout of Dynamic Creative, but it’s not intentional.

Probably just a bug, but I’d love to get this back. Especially when using Flexible Ad Format with multiple images, this breakdown is pretty darn important.

Are you seeing this issue, too?
